Until 2022 the only conference in the North East was the Northern VA Collaboration (run by Nicola Skinner & Angela Dawson) in Newcastle-Upon-Tyne.  It was always well attended and a valuable resource for VAs as well as being a fun and enjoyable event.

In October 2022, Angela & Nicola felt that they were unable to continue running the event, and sadly it came to an end.

A few months later, Gwen Backhouse and Amy Russell were chatting at the UK VA Conference about how it would be greatly missed and what a great resource it was for North East-based VAs, and both felt that they should continue the legacy that Angela and Nicola had created.

And so, in May 2023 the North East VA Conference (or NEVAC for short) was launched, with nearly 40 VAs attending, some amazing speakers and even a cake with logos and faces of attendees on!

Collaboration in the industry is really close to Amy and Gwen’s hearts; it is the key to growing business, learning new skills, getting important support and staying up to date with industry news and legislation.

Gwen Backhouse & Amy Russell - About NEVAC
Gwen Backhouse & Amy Russell

The NEVAC Team

So, who are we?

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